Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Katrina in love

Katrina has bought all the four books of the Twilight Series and she has been gulping them down ravenously. She would start on the last book soon. Wanna know why? She is completely mesmerized by Edward Cullen. She is totally in love with him.
Katrina is so much in love with the bloodthirsty hero that she wants to meet Robert Pattinson who plays the role. A formal meeting!

“You don’t understand. This is like an obsession for me. I can’t get Robert Pattinson out of my head. I see the love of my life in every object that moves or doesn’t move. I’ve never felt this way about any man before.”

“Obviously, I can’t stand under his window to get his attention. So yes, the meeting has to be more formal. He says he’s single. But I don’t believe him. That’s what they all say.”

Is Katrina single?
What would we say to that!